Are Property Prices Falling in Melbourne?

Melbourne’s property market has been a topic of much discussion among homeowners, investors, and industry analysts. After a period of unprecedented growth, there are signs that the market is adjusting. Recent data suggests a slight decrease in property prices, marking a shift from the continuous growth observed over the past months.

A Closer Look at the Numbers

According to CoreLogic’s home value index, Australia has seen its fifteenth consecutive month of house price growth, with a national increase of 0.6% in April. However, Melbourne’s property market tells a different story, with a marginal decline of 0.1%¹[1]. This subtle dip may not seem significant, but it breaks the pattern of steady growth, hinting at a potential cooling off in the market.

Market Dynamics

The Melbourne market has faced several challenges recently. A few years ago, properties were being purchased without even a viewing, but now, buyers are exercising more caution²[2]. The market has encountered a series of obstacles, from economic uncertainties to interest rate hikes, which have contributed to this cautious approach.

Forecasting the Future

Looking ahead, experts from SQM Research predict a flat to falling trend in home prices for most Australian cities, including Melbourne, in 2024³[3]. High interest rates, a potential rise in unemployment, and an increase in distressed sales are expected to influence the market. While Perth and Brisbane might see price rises, driven by a recovering Chinese economy and demand for commodities, Melbourne’s prices are anticipated to moderate³[3].

What This Means for Buyers and Sellers

For potential buyers, the current market could present opportunities to enter the market or invest at a more reasonable price point. Sellers, on the other hand, may need to adjust their expectations and be prepared for a potentially longer sales process.

While the Melbourne property market is experiencing a slight decline, it’s essential to view these changes within the broader context of the national market and economic factors. Whether this trend will continue or reverse remains to be seen, but it certainly makes for an interesting time in Melbourne real estate.



Helpful sources used for this blog 👇
(1) Melbourne property prices fall slightly while national price growth persists for fifteenth month in a row.
(2) ‘Buyers are much more cautious’: Melbourne house prices in surprise fall.
(3) Housing Boom and Bust Report tips property price to fall in 2024 as ….
(4) Melbourne property market data, trends, forecasts – OpenAgent.
(5) Where have house prices risen and fallen the most in Melbourne?.
(6) Getty Images.

Author: Mr.Oz

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